Monday, January 31, 2005

The Fallacy of Superman

Concrete adj. Existing in reality or in real experience; perceptible by the senses; real

Honesty n. Truthfulness; sincerity; integrity

I am not an advocate for the use of lies, fallacies of composition, or the fabrication of stories. To me, they have no place or context in my life as I feel they are a source of discomfort, and something that more and more people choose to sweep under the rug...but just because it is out of sight does not mean it is out of mind, people. The constant movement of thought that erodes our days into flitting images and yet we never seem to have enough time for anything anymore...and for me not even enough time for sleep. Sleep is a novel idea lately, and truth is, I can never seem to get enough of it.
The truth is never hard to find, but yet it can be so easy to hide. It is like a communication code that only some seem to possess the answer to because we realize the key points to this code is practicing. You have to practice the art of honesty and learn why it is so important, to see the semantics behind the art, and allow it to become second nature. Why else would so many people lie instead of expressing how they truly feel? Is it because it is easier to do so? Learn a new way to see life, learn a new way to contemplate your existence, and overall, listen to your words and see if they hold water to others. Here is a glimpse into what I have learned about truth...other than the fact that it will set you free. Here you go, and may you enjoy.
Chances at a new day do not come around all that often...second chances in general are even less rare. To obtain the full reach of a day in your life, to stretch your thoughts a little further, and to express your ideas with clarity is the goal, people. To go against the grain and accept what is mine to accept is all apart of life's little secret...the hidden jewel of thought that tells me life only gets better. I have lived my life by a certain code in the last five years that is new to me, but it has been lying around the recesses of my soul for much longer than that. It was an incarnation, that although dormant, only waited patiently in the wings for its cue of a proper entrance.
To me, truth lies in the eyes of the people I meet, see, and observe. To me, the eyes are the human portals that guard entrance into the soul. They hold the keys to endless locks and hidden latches that will only open if you have the right combination...the right codes to unlock my past, my present, and where my future is headed. So speak your words with careful thought and purpose, preach the message of your story, and show the world that it holds merit. Run with goddamn scissors, run barefoot in soft summer grass...feel light rain fall across your face like the reality of life. Release all the burdens of deceit and lies from your past until your step is lighter and your eyes tell a different story. I look forward to what they will say to me when we see each other anew.
Tell me honestly what you mean and I will listen with an honest ear. Show me not a smirk nor proclaim conceit in your tone, for then I will bite my lip and see through your thin facade. Honesty is not about one-upping each other, people, it is more than that. I have one who is, and always has been, nothing more than consistently honest with me. I can tell by her bated breath, how she will pause after she tells me her truth, to see how I will react to it. Yet she still delivers her message with nothing but caring and hope that I will understand. She is honest to me because she recognizes the impact of truth, but still worries about how the truth will fall on others ears.
Do not worry about me, people, for I will always listen to the truth versus the fallacy. I believe that we all need to live with that virtue to realize it will eventually be joined by more virtues. You learn the virtue of strength, and patience develops alongside of it. Look to increase your knowledge, and wisdom shall follow suit not so far behind. Stretch and breathe, then stretch and breathe some more. Inhale your life and exhale your future...all of it one breath at a time. Keep reaching for that level of life where it all makes a little more sense, where it all fits just a little more tight, and where the truth awaits us all. Until we meet again, people, until we meet again.
"I'm only a man in a funny red sheet; I'm only a man looking for a dream...I'm only a man in a funny red sheet and it's not's not easy to be me." - John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting