Saturday, February 28, 2004

Early morning in Halifax and the burn of a cold winter stays in my bones. I am lucky though because I get to have the heat of a southern american body next to me keeping me warm. We walk along not knowing what comes next and when events happen we are supposed to act natural, like we knew all along it was going to happen. This is new unchartered territory for this man from the rock and I am thankful I am allowed to experience it. I asked for it many years ago and now my future is not forecasted but instead open and ready to be played out. I give thanks for the strength offered, the guidance given, and the patience to continue. My saga rolls along and I aim to make it the best life a man could ask for; we are the vessel and our souls the captain, sailing through the tempest to find our passage of safe harbour.

"You've got to find the force within you." - Joseph Campbell

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I sat back the other night and realized something...I am living on the East Coast again. A place rich in culture, history and tradition, but no mountains. You see, we just got hit with a dumpload of snow here on the East Coast of Canada; ninety-five centies to be exact. Yet, here I am in school, just getting back from working on the beginnings of a research assignment. Around this time, I would usually be knee-deep in the gnar, riding off of soft pillows of snow right now, This is not exactly the time for that, I guess. No, my time now is to read, study, and basically learn about society, how our minds work...and statistics. Yay for statistics, people; yay. But you want to know the truth? I love being a student - I love the fact that I am thirty years old and back in the crux of learning again. I look around and see hallways of knowledge alongside avenues of opportunity. Now, if I could just have a helping of that with snowy mountains to ride...huh. Like they say - you can't have one without the other, right? Not exactly, and only time will tell what may play out with that scenario. Late.

"Mais vale um p ssaro na mao quedois voando". - Brazilian saying