Monday, January 19, 2004

The art of gathering dust is not for all interested parties, but only for the brave of heart. Step #1 is to have your heart broken enough times that you feel it seal slightly and begin the soft freeze. Step #2 is to move forward, never give up on hope or love, and place one foot in front of the other. Step #3 is to tear down the comfort zone you have placed around yourself, and rebuild again, then tear down those new walls, and rebuild rebuild rebuild. Through these steps you are able to find out who you really are, what you are really made of, and gather an inkling to where your next steps will lead...Step #4 for me was to return to school after a hiatus of drugs, drink, snow culture, loss of friends and love along the way. Now, here I am, ready to start all over again, and rebuild what tatters remain. Did I say tatters? Oops, sorry I meant to say rebuild all that in I matter, where I am going matters, and one day I will make sense of why we choose the roads we choose, and why they can make such a difference in our lives. Carpe diem peeps, and never ever let the day seize you. Late.

"I've got no reason but that I must/maybe I feel like I've been gathering dust/I must leave this harbour for the sea/I'm too young to settle down and make a home/But I don't know where I'm wanting to be...I just know I have to be there alone...Stole my time, all my time, spend my time for you." - David Gray